For anyone who reads this on a regular, or any really, basis, this will seem very strange. Not only is it not going to be about me/us, it will have no hint at all of Colorado. My friends Jamie and Jennifer Webster have done something similar to what we have in this blog. Only the topic of theirs is nearly two year old
Caden, their son. It's really cool, since
Caden hasn't quite mastered blogging yet (though I'm sure it won't be long), it's a snapshot into the
world of Caden Webster. There are a ton of pictures as you can see if you click on the link, but as I was looking at it the other day, there was one that jumped out at me and hasn't left my mind for very long since.

What fantastic moment that was captured. I don't know what they were talking about. I can't even tell you for sure if they were talking at all. But there is such a look of absolute adoration, on each side. Jamie is so focused on his son, and whatever the moment is about,
Caden is engrossed in his father. There is such beautiful scenery around, and none of it's noticed. The only thing that matters in that moment is each other. So many kids, way too many kids don't have any moments like this. And
Caden may never fully comprehend how much his father adores him. But this is such an authentic, honest, powerful statement. I have a ton of great friends, probably more than my share. There are handful who when they have/will become fathers, I don't worry at all. I pray for them, but not in a concerned, "Lord please help this kid, I know too much about his dad."
Caden is not one of those children. The moment Jamie told me they were pregnant with him, I thought, "that will be a well loved, encouraged, and strong boy/man." And then you have these moments, luckily captured with a camera, to prove that. The son looks up to his father, and the father looks upon with pride, love, and unfiltered joy. This is such an example of Christ-like love, I guess that's why I can't get this picture out of my mind.
Jamie is one of those people that no matter where he goes, no matter who he's around, he fits in without compromising his true self. Everyone loves him. Everyone should. I've often said, "if you spend 10 minutes with Jamie Webster and walk away not liking him, it's your fault". No one knows that more than
Caden. And no one cherishes
Caden more than Jamie. I've just never seen a better picture of fathering well. And I'm not in the least bit surprised by it.