I took Sheba out for her morning business today. As we were walking to the dumpster a black pit bull came virtually out of nowhere. He walked up slowly and then attacked Sheba. I tried to scare the pit bull off, tried to physically push it off and for a moment, he backed away. By this time Lindsay heard the commotion and I told her to take Sheba inside but the pit bull was attacking again. Sheba broke out of her collar and took off, with the pit bull chasing her. I took after both of them. They both ran off into the woods and I couldn't keep up with them. I can honestly tell you I've never been so scared. There was nothing I could do. I called 911, and I'll be honest, I handeled it horribly. I was screaming at them and panicking. Lindsay had gotten in the car to see if she could drive around and find Sheba in the neighborhood. I called them 911 3 times before I could get something out of them. To spare you some reading and me some typing, they finally sent someone. He coralled the pit bull seemingly pretty easily. Right around that same time Lindsay came back. She said that some people running in the neighborhood had seen a police officer pick Sheba up on Piedmont Parkway, about a mile or so away from us. The officer called Lindsay and brought Sheba back. (I'm tearing up as I write this part) Sheba was fine. We took her to the vet immediately and she has no bite marks, no real wounds at all. She has a little scrape with some blood on one of her toenails of one of her paws, but it's not serious at all. The vet said she has no wounds what so ever. The animal control guy took the pitbull away and said (I think) he'd be in touch with one of us. She's (Sheba) home now.
I've never been so scared and helpless. We don't have kids obviously but this is our baby. And I couldn't stop her from being hurt. The whole time she was missing I thought the worst. I lost my temper with people on the phone, I was just a wreck. Sheba's home and fine. She does have that one little scrape but the vet said she'll be ok and she was hoping around like her normal happy, hyper self at the vets office and when we took her back home. Thing is, in that moment, that moment that was probably 5 minutes but seemed like an hour, I lost my faith. I did not believe that God was there. I did not believe He would take care of her. I didn't even think to pray. I was just scared and mad. Mad at myself, mad at whoever let this dog loose. I immediately went in the back and just praised Him for Sheba's safe return and apologized and repented to Him. I lost my sight in that moment. I'm hoping that He uses this to strengthen me in the midst of the next crisis. And I know it seems kind of silly, but in my heart, this was a crisis. I did not handle this well at all. But my prayer is that when something totally out of my control, sudden and unstobble happens again, that I have the presence of mind to turn to Him. Something I did not do this morning.
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